The Panic Room Online: The Panic Room

Von | September 30, 2020

von The Panic Room Online (webseite)

1-6 Spieler


📓escape book
60-120 minuten
You will receive a secured envelope containing all the documents from the panic room that will help solve the mystery. They have tried to bury the truth but we need to find where the UFO is hidden, and how to activate it. It must be a string of words, seemingly random, that we'll need to send via radio. We'll need to be close enough to transmit.
Supposedly, this message is the key to activate the vessel and we're going to hijack an alien ship.
Find the codes, uncover the conspiracy, hijack a UFO. Are you in?
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Bewertet zwischen 3 und 4 von 5

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Brit Of An Escape Habit blog hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5

Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

The Panic Room's original eponymous game was about alien conspiracy theories, and this puzzle book follows the same theme, though I don't believe there's any cross-over in puzzle content with the physical room. As with the company's other books, it's a spiral bound set of colour pages which are intended to be cut up during play, which contain a set of puzzles that can be tackled in any order, with the first challenge being to work out which pieces of information are relevant to which puzzle.


The Panic Room Puzzle Book Experience was similar to other games of a similar nature from The Panic Room, and had a few puzzling highlights, and a few tricky moments. Just remember: Don’t Panic!

If you like deciphering codes and symbols, you'll really love this game. It was great to be able to see ciphers being created in various ways (video, imagery, symbols). There was an online portal you'll be able to input all the answers once they are discovered from the puzzle pages. 

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