New intel just in believes that here is the exclusive hideout of the elusive notorious jewel thief...'The Breakout Hotel' You have been given an assignment, each assigned a job role within The Walkergate Task Force. This whole operation hangs in the your team’s hands...with no warrant this is a dangerous undertaking. Have you got what it takes to use the tools, bring back the stolen jewels and learn enough about this ringleader to bring them down?? It’s late and dark when you enter this hideout. You must be quick...any mistakes along the way may alert the thief. Your career or worse...your life could be at stake! * This room has crawl space*
You will have to search the property to try and discover their true identity. Work together as a team and gather the evidence you need before the thief returns and the whole investigation is ruined or worse... This room is more than just's winning!!
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Another fantastic room at Beverley Breakout! Completing the 100 minute version, we loved this one for its unique puzzles and great theming throughout the entire room. Unlocking individual jewels throughout the game gave us the feeling of winning every time we got one, which peaked in the last section of the room! It was a really enjoyable experience, once again Fran was an excellent host and gave us a cracking debrief afterwards. A must do room for enthusiasts out there!
This is a game with two names - you may see it referred to as either Room 118 or Operation Hideout. I believe the former name is used when you’re playing the 60 minute version, and the latter when you’re playing the 100 minute version. It’s broadly the same game either way; the shorter version just has some of the content left out. We played the longer version of course, and barring unusual circumstances I’d expect pretty much anyone who likes escape rooms enough to be reading this site to want ...