The Box Escape Game Metz: Casse du Siècle

The Box Escape Game Metz: Diamond Heist

Von | Juli 11, 2020

von The Box Escape Game Metz (webseite)

6 Rue Clovis, 57000

2-6 Spieler

2 Spieler: £67.00 €80.00
4 Spieler: £88.00 €104.00
6 Spieler: £101.00 €120.00

Sprachen: EN, FR

75 minuten
Recrutés par une société secrète de cyber-justiciers nommée les #chanonymous, vous tentez Le Casse du Siècle. Vous allez dévaliser la salle des coffres de la prestigieuse Maison Van Steen.
Bob, votre complice, prendra tous les risques sur place. C’est l’homme idéal pour esquiver des lasers ou crocheter une serrure. En revanche, pour la logique et les technologies, vous ne pourrez compter que sur votre équipe !
Déjouez la sécurité au plus vite pour récupérer un maximum de butin.
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Bewertet zwischen 3.5 und 4.5 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 4 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 5 Benutzern

Deine Bewertung


Anonym hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
🦡cipherdelic virtuose hat dies bewertet:Rated between 4 and 4 out of 5
Gespielt am: 15/07/20 Teamgröße: 5 Benötigte Zeit: 70 Ergebnis: Entkommen!

I'm usually put off by games with a large inventory system but this one was very different as it blended the investigative parts of many whodunnit digital games into your remote livestream and this allowed you to use the information gained from the web to se in the room and vice versa. 

The GM was very good at keeping in character and I particularily liked the way he incorporated the time checks into the narration, no breaking of character here to tell you that you've only 15 mintures left!The entire game builds nicely to a frenetic end which will have all of your teamworking hard. All in all an excellent game.

egnor experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 3.5 and 3.5 out of 5
An unusually interesting and generally good remote adaptation with offline material, but suffers from a bit of task tedium at the end.
Wei-Hwa Huang experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 5 and 5 out of 5
Gespielt am: 7/8 Teamgröße: 4 Ergebnis: Entkommen!

The game is originally in French and live, but the translation to English and online is superb.  These guys did more than just adapt a few puzzles to online play; many of the real room puzzles have been replaced and supplanted with several experiences and challenges that can only be done online, meaning that you don't come out of this feeling "boy, that was a pretty good room but I bet it's even more fun in real life."  The avatar character is a pretty standard "clueless hapless piece of meat" that many of these avatar rooms have, but here Bob (that's his name) also has a few enthusiastic aspects and quirks that makes him a memorable character -- for example, the sections where Bob gets phone call on his cell and therefore stops listening to you when he's on the call feels like it should be infuriating, but actually added to the immersion and charm for me.  The new stuff isn't for everyone -- I can imagine some teams finding one challenge near the end tedious and frustrating -- but it worked very well for my entertainment.

Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

Making an escape room available for remote play has, for many companies, involved little more than giving a gamesmaster a GoPro. Plenty now also use a separate web-based inventory system, which is invaluable for many games. The Box has gone a great deal further, not just tweaking their heist game but substantially reinventing significant parts of it to turn it into a specifically online experience.

In this game you're committing a diamond heist, guiding your avatar and designated fall guy Bob. ...

Since March 15, the day of the announcement of the confinement, our life as we knew it has changed. Everyone has been affected in one way or another. We have withdrawn into ourselves, locked ourselves up and waited. Being locked up could be a dream for any escape game fan, except that here... Finding a virus in a locked safe with a 5-digit padlock, in a room hidden behind a cabinet, in a Russian lab is not enough. This time, unfortunately, it's more complicated. And it is in this context, more than unfavourable, that some people adapt and create quite incredible things!

(Scroll down for English text.) I was once again going to try a remote Escape Room renowned for the distinctive character of its in-game avatar. This time, though, I sure got what I was asking for! [...] Dear ol' Bob managed to turn what would have been an okay 60-min room, and turn it into a great 75-min one. Some of the game elements were modified to provide a better online experience, and it was definitely the right thing to do.

Pour notre seconde aventure chez The Box à Metz, nous partons pour un cambriolage. Une petite boisson, un regard plein d'envie vers les chocolats (auxquels on n'accède qu'après avoir résolu une énigme) et nous voilà arrivés dans le couloir devant la salle pour le brief. Ici, le brief de sécurité n'est pas fait par la même personne que celle qui nous attend dans le-dit couloir. D'ailleurs, le "pseudo" agent de sécurit...

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