Midnight Quests: The Pyramid

Von | Juni 7, 2020

von Midnight Quests (webseite)

3-12 Spieler

4 Spieler: £46.00 200.00₪
6 Spieler: £61.00 270.00₪

120-180 minuten
Welcome to The Pyramid - an online puzzle game for three teams!
Each team can be one person, a couple, a family or a group.
You will be between three paths in the pyramid - the red track, the green track and the blue track.
In each puzzle, each team will only get a part of the information.
In order to advance in the game, the teams need to communicate between them and cooperate, in a journey to the top of the pyramid.
Since each team has their own information, you can play the game through Zoom/Skype/any other platform that you're comfortable with!
The game's length is about 2-3 hours, but the timer is for much longer, so you will not be under pressure 🙂
The game doesn't have specific time slots, so you can start playing whenever you feel like it!
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The majority of the online escape games available are actually perfectly well suited to solo completion. A few involve team elements of some sort, where different players need to do different things at the same time or have different sets of information. The Pyramid is wholly based around taking that idea to the next level, where the players are divided into three different teams, each with different information.

That means you need at least three people to play this. (A larger number of...

Easily one of the hardest online games we’ve played to date. If you want a game that is heavy on communication and is a real challenge then this is the game for you

Not too difficult and fairly intuitive puzzles whose only rule is “work together”!

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