A small, peaceful little town if plagued by the curious case of the abandoned Seven Hill psychiatric ward. Locals dare only talk about the strange happenings in hushed tones. Seems like the leaders of the city would swipe the whole case under the rug. Many people are unaccounted for and that puts a pressure on everyone. Dale Emerson a retire detectives would dust down the old case files and take a fresh look at it. You have also showed interest and he quickly recruited you to find new evidence and bring peace to the family of the missing persons.
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Average room marred by a hard-to-use inventory system (just an iPad pointing at a tray). They tried to make bigger portable versions of environmental data that they could put on the tray, but the result is that your avatar needs to constantly run back and forth to the tray to drop off items, and you then have to ask them to move it around because it's not centered, or it's still too small to read. Couple that with the fact that the iPad is on the same Zoom channel as the avatar means that you can look at your inventory or see what the avatar is doing, but never both at the same time. Brings down what otherwise seems like a slightly above-average game.