3-5 Spieler
Sprachen: EN, DE
Ein Praktikum bei dem berühmt berüchtigten Geisterjäger Brandon Darkmoor – das war euer Plan. Ihr hattet allerdings nicht damit gerechnet, schon an eurem ersten Tag auf einen Einsatz geschickt zu werden. Angeblich spukt es in den Kellerräumen des Gebäudes in der Ruschestraße – aber wer glaubt schon an Geister…?
Beweist euch als Geisterjäger in diesem skurril lustigen Abenteuer!

basierend auf Bewertungen von 13 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 2 Benutzern
Deine Bewertung

Wenngleich sehr linear, dennoch ein besonderer Raum mit tollen Effekten und einem grandiosen Finale!

I’d add ‘funny’ ‘clever’ and ‘story driven’ tags too if I could - this is easily the most impressive room I’ve ever been in - this is proper theatre.
It’s puzzle light, but atmosphere heavy, and I think that’s how I want all my games from now on. It was my first real horror game, and if you’re a scaredy cat like me, you’ll be fine, it’s worth it (though I did mention this to the staff first so they may have toned it down a notch)
As soon as you start to notice HOW exactly it’s done, this room becomes 10X more impressive and interesting too. I’m going to be thinking about this for a LONG time.

The majority of the game was experienced as a sneak preview, so it was incomplete in places. However, it was clear that this was not a game to be missed even just from what we were able to experience here.

This is such a fun concept. It’s a joy to play. The ending and the use of a prop is brilliant. Would really encourage people to play if in Berlin.

Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten
Brandon Darkmoor by The Room is an entertaining and unique experience that gives Escape Room fans a whole new gaming experience and easily joins the top tier of immersive adventure rooms.