von Riddle Rooms (webseite)
35 Bath Street, G2 1HW
2-5 Spieler
60 minuten

basierend auf Bewertungen von 3 Benutzern
Deine Bewertung

Little disappointed in this one. I had high hopes but the puzzles varied between too easy and near impossible. Retrieving the key came as a bit of an anticlimax and it kind of skipped over the story elements. It's a good way to kill an hour but I wouldn't go out of my way for it.

Rooms built for two are rare, and it very much delivers on that without making any of the puzzles too easy - but a lot of them are rather unintuitive. Two of them, due to factors I won't disclose for spoilers - were borderline impossible to our group for reasons unrelated to our ability to puzzle solve, while another is a good puzzle idea quite badly executed. I can definitely see it being a fun date night for casual players though. Poor hosting tag added not because we had a bad GM, but because they had to run immediately away (presumably to another group) so we got no de-brief and had to see ourselves out.