BathExit: The Secret Garden

Von | März 20, 2019

von BathExit (webseite)

The Old Malthouse, Pera Road, BA1 5NS


4-7 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

The Secret Garden leads you to a beautiful and magical world. Though it might seem nice beware of its hidden traps!
You are the only ones who can save the mysterious creature captured by the Evil Witch. Be clever and fast because if you are not able to fulfil the challenge in 60 minutes the Witch will turn you into an enchanted beast.
Possibly a miserable spider.
Or a tiny extinct dinosaur.
Or a unicorn with a serious gambling problem.
Or a frog…
If you are not only looking for a brainstorming challenge but lots of fun and laughs at the same time this room is definitely designed for you.
The game is not suitable for children under 14.
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