Sudbury, Jul 2024
There are far fewer Easter games than there are Christmas ones, and even fewer that are available year-round. EO’s Eggscape is emphatically not a quick pop-up intended to take advantage of the season – it comfortably stands alongside the other rooms at the venue.
In fact, in the first section you might forget about the Easter theming – it begins with a split team start that goes on for longer than typical. As split team sections go, I thought it was a particularly well-designed one too, with plenty for both groups to do, no frustrations with the communication, and a good conclusion.
One team is in a light room and one team is in a dark room, but that’s not something to worry about – EO are scrupulous about making sure players have enough light to play by, and the dark room is both equipped with torches and not in fact all that dark.
The second half of the game dives into the theming, and also ramps up the pace of the solving. Your task is to rescue Edgar the bunny, which provides the main puzzle track, but in addition there’s a set of bonus puzzles. There are twelve of these, each awarding you with an egg when solved, and all can be tackled entirely in parallel. The four of us devolved into a happy solving frenzy for these, for a chaotic and high energy finish. That gives teams plenty to do, though I’d expect most enthusiasts to be able to get through everything even as a pair.
Of the six games, Eggscape was lightest on the theming and story, but for puzzling mayhem, this is definitely one to include when you visit.