Sudbury, Jul 2024
The name of this room should make clear that it’s based on the darker sort of fairy tale, where witches lock up children, where Red Riding Hood might not be saved from the wolf, and where happy endings are not guaranteed… but Scary Tale does not in fact set out to be all that scary. It’s dimly lit and perhaps creepy in places, but unless you’re particularly nervous, at most it might make you jump once or twice.
As ever, EO makes sure all players have a decent torch, so the darkness wasn’t particularly a barrier to play. Part of the delight here is the way it blends elements from different fairy takes into a cohesive whole.
EO never skimp on puzzle quantity, and Scary Tale was packed with things to solve, often on parallel streams. Few enthusiasts will be in serious danger of failing the room, particularly given the extra ten minutes available from the bonus puzzle, but it still feels like a challenge from the amount of things to do.
For that, and for the endless small clever details in the room, this might be my favourite of the six EO Escape rooms. Or maybe not – each had its own strengths, and if you ask me on a different day I might choose one of the others. But Scary Tale was a lovely game, as well as a gently twisted one, and I’m inclined to put it first among equals.