Sudbury, Jul 2024
Some themes are easier to create than others; an outdoor setting is much more of a challenge to build convincingly than, say, an office. A desert island is particularly difficult – but Castaway absolutely smashes it. This room delighted me from the moment I walked in with its whimsical and clever way of setting the scene; it had us all in a great mood from the very start of the game.
The setup is simple: your boat has left you stranded in an unfamiliar shore, from which you need to escape. This was our opening game for a day in which we binged through everything at EO, and it got things started with a satisfying burst of energy and fun. The venue’s puzzle style involves plenty of padlocks, but that didn’t detract at all from the charming decor or a frequently quite physical sequence of tasks.
Of EO Escape’s games, this is probably the easiest, and was the one we escaped in the shortest time. That doesn’t mean it’s short of content: we finished feeling we’d had had a full game’s worth, it just flowed very smoothly. And while I found it the easiest, I also thought it was one of their strongest for sheer fun, backed up by completely solid logic at every step. Just remember that you must be wearing socks to play!