Kategorie-Archive: UK

ClueTrace: Mission Critical

London, Jun 2017

Rated 3.5 out of 5
ClueTrace’s original game had you sneaking into the mid of a white collar criminal, and Mission Critical continues this idea, but this time with the mind of a Soviet official at the end of the Cold War, trying to find the identity of a double agent…. (more)

Modern Fables: The Escapist

London, May 2017

Rated between 3.5 and 4 out of 5
On seeing the pre-launch website for this company I mentally marked it down as one to get excited about. The ‚urban fairy tales‘ concept presses my buttons, and the description suggested a very promising focus on immersion and drama. A room full of p… (more)

The Panic Room: The Gilman Hotel

Gravesend, May 2017

Rated between 4 and 4.5 out of 5
The year is around 1920 and you’re staying at the Gilman Hotel in Innsmouth, on the trail of some missing artefacts from the Miskatonic university. Yes, it’s a Lovecraft themed escape room!
This room thrives through great decoration / theming. A mix… (more)

The Panic Room: The Don

Gravesend, May 2017

Rated between 3.5 and 4 out of 5
The Don was the fifth game we played during our escape marathon in Gravesend and is probably the room that grabbed me the least. That sounds more negative than intended so let me explain: While it didn’t present me with any particular standout or ‚wo… (more)

The Panic Room: The Panic Room

Gravesend, May 2017

Rated 4 out of 5
The Panic Room’s eponymous first game is set in the apartment of a conspiracy theorist, whose disappearance illustrates that just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
It’s a relatively low-key modern setting, probably the… (more)