Autor-Archive: escapethereview

Unlock!: The Night of the Boogeymen

Room-in-a-box, Jun 2019

Rated 3 out of 5
Unlock! are nothing if not experimental. I imagine it’s due to the variety of designers involved, typically a different designer for each game, but the way each game is distinctive not just in presentation but in gameplay is one of the series’s parti… (more)

Journal 29: Revelation

Room-in-a-box, Jun 2019

Rated 4 out of 5
Naturally, the first thing I have to mention here is the terrible missed opportunity in not calling this book Journal 30. Leaving that aside, Revelation is of course the follow-up to Journal 29, a puzzle book that managed to spawn a small sub-genre o… (more)

Escapepolis: Cosmos 05

Athens, May 2019

Rated between 4.5 and 5 out of 5
I’m a sucker for spaceship and sci-fi games. (My teammate, not so much.) And one of the great defining classics of movie sci-fi is 2001: A Space Odyssey, which pretty much created the trope of the coldly homicidal computer in a story that’s inspired … (more)

Escapepolis: Avissos

Athens, May 2019

Rated 3.5 out of 5
Avissos is a deep sea adventure: deep in the Marianas Trench, the scientists at an underwater laboratory have mysteriously vanished, and you’ve been tasked with discovering their fate. As an extra complication, seismic readings indicate that there’s … (more)

MasterClue: Defcon 2

Athens, May 2019

Rated between 3.5 and 4 out of 5
At time of writing MasterClue’s website is in Greek only, which made booking a slightly hairy process reliant on Google Translate – but the game is entirely fine to play in English. Which is only appropriate, since it’s set in a U.S. military base. T… (more)