The Puzzle Room Cannock: Heist at 30,000 feet

Von | Dezember 27, 2024

von The Puzzle Room Cannock (webseite)

Unit 37, Cannock Shopping Centre, Market Hall St, Cannock WS11 1WS


2-8 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

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Evil billionaire Maximillian Sinclaire accrued his wealth by extorting the people of North Primshire. You and your team have tracked his flight and have found intelligence that he is carrying a large amount of gold on-board. If you can find all of the gold and divert the plane back to North Primshire you will be able to save the city from bankruptcy. We have managed to sabotage the tracker on the plane. But you only have 60 minutes until Maximillian Sinclaire and his team get the tracker back online.
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