Escape Hunt Perth: Wild Western Jail Break

Von | Juni 5, 2024

von Escape Hunt Perth (webseite)

U29A/36 The Piazza, South Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160


4-10 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

Howdy partners! Now ain’t ya’ll gone got yourself in a right mess ere’.

Earlier this mornin’, Ol’ Billie C, head of the Freo Gang, sent ya to shirk some gold from the bank. Was goin well till half of ya’ll got caught and locked up in this ere’ hoosegow. If the sheriff don’t get to ya’ll before Ol’ Billie, you be bettin’ there’ll be a price to pay for this… unless, if ya’ll can get ya’ partners ere’ out of jail and find a way to get the gold back from the sheriffs safe then ya’ might just save yourselves a shootout.

I’ll hang ere’ an’ keep an eye out for the Sherrif, he just went to wet his whistle so’ll be back in 60 minutes. Remember, ya’ll gotta break out the jail AND get the gold before makin’ a run for it. So, what you waiting for? Skedaddle!

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