Angle Escape: The Dino Disaster

Von | Mai 26, 2024

von Angle Escape (webseite)

939 Lincoln Road First Floor, PE4 6AF


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

No doubt you’ve heard the news about the recent chaos that happened at Dino Valley, the UK’s premier prehistoric attraction. Backed by the biochemical company Progeni, the park had been celebrated for its innovations in DNA reconstruction, giving birth to actual dinosaurs who roamed the many enclosures.Unfortunately, in a completely unprecedented event, a security fault caused the enclosures to be opened, causing absolute chaos as staff and visitors panicked to escape the wild animals!This happened many months ago and the dinosaurs now rule the island. However, the valuable DNA samples that were meant to be evacuated alongside the staff never arrived. We’re sending you to the R&D department to see if you can recover as many samples as you can. Be warned; we can only distract the dinosaurs for so long. Quickly gather as much as you can within the hour, unless you become lunch!
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