von Next Level Escape (webseite)
2-4 Carr St, Ipswich IP4 1EJ
2-6 Spieler
Sprachen: EN
60 minuten
For years I have tested those ungrateful to be alive. You believe you are the one that has what it takes to survive my tests. Tonight I give you the chance to clearly look yourself in the mirror and face your own arrogance. You think you know what you are walking into, that there are no real consequences to your actions, but nothing is ever as simple as it seems. So, are you going to watch yourself die here today, or do something about it?
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Gespielt am: 5 May 2024 Teamgröße: 4 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
immersivheftighorrifyingziemlich leicht💀extreme angst
I don't want to give any spoilers - but this is not your standard escape room. Escape is not the main aim of this challenge... survival is. And the game starts before you even walk through the door.
We were lucky enough to be four test subjects on Sunday evening, as they are just getting everything ready. We had a fully immersive, unforgettable experience. Absolutely superb.
We were lucky enough to be four test subjects on Sunday evening, as they are just getting everything ready. We had a fully immersive, unforgettable experience. Absolutely superb.