DeadZone Escape: Carnevil

Von | Juni 14, 2023

von DeadZone Escape (webseite)

T28, West Square Mall, Beverly Hills, Giza Governorate 12588


2-8 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

For years, this Carnival has been the most popular in town. Families and friends gathered every week to watch the best clown show by Flooky and Charlie, who were also brothers. Flooky and Charlie were inseparable; they completed each other in every way, especially in their show. One day, as Flooky prepared to be on stage, he heard a woman scream from behind the curtains. It was found later that this woman lost her child in the Carnival, and since Charlie wasn’t with Flooky at the time, he was accused of being the kidnapper. With the disappearance of the child, came the disappearance of Charlie. The Carnival closed its doors, and the police have been investigating the case ever since, with suspicion arising because of Charlie’s disappearance. Flooky has been alone for years, and the Carnival became completely abandoned and creepy. Rumors increased, and people started saying that the Carnival became haunted, and became a Carnevil instead.

Are you ready to help Flooky reunite with Charlie and find the true kidnapper of the child?

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