Défi-Évasion Québec: La Souche Craft Brewery

Défi-Évasion Québec: La Micro-Disparition

Von | Mai 21, 2023

von Défi-Évasion Québec (webseite)

2500, Jean-Perrin street # 150, QC G2C 1X1

Quebec City

Bis zu 6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, FR

60 minuten

Today you’re getting a visit from a critic who scours Quebec’s craft breweries to find the best beers! Since you’re the most efficient employees, you’ve been given the responsibility of welcoming the reviewer and serving him a tasting of your two best beers. Unfortunately, the team on the shift before you wasn’t so sharp, and completely forgot to prepare the tasting! The critic gives you a chance and will be back at the brewery in an hour; make sure you’re ready and you’ve found the two beers!
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