Escape The Fort: The Dambusters

Von | Oktober 27, 2022

von Escape The Fort (webseite)

Fort Perch Rock, Marine Promenade, New Brighton, Wallasey CH45 2JU


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

75 minuten

Barnes Wallis, the genius behind the bouncing bomb, has vanished under mysterious circumstances.

Your mission is twofold: uncover what happened to Wallis and ensure the raid proceeds without a hitch. You’ll need to work together, solve intricate puzzles, and face the pressure of the ticking clock in this thrilling race against time. With danger lurking at every turn, the fate of the mission—and history itself—rests in your hands.

Can you crack the codes, navigate through the challenges, and succeed where failure is not an option?

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