The Escape Room: Kidnapped

Von | August 29, 2022

von The Escape Room (webseite)

Fjordgaten 11B, 3125 Tønsberg


3-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, NO

60 minuten

You were on your way home after a night out with your friends. You didn’t live far away and the weather was nice, so you decided to walk instead of calling a taxi.

After a while you noticed a shadow following you. You turned to look, but there was nothing to see. You waited for a minute without seeing anything else and continued walking home.

You couldn’t shake the feeling that someone or something was following you and suddenly someone jumps you from behind! You were tackled to the ground; you tried to fight back but someone was on top of you pinning you down.
The last thing you remember is a chemical-laced rag being pressed against your face, unable to avoid breathing it in. You felt dizzy and then lost consciousness. Everything is dark.

You slowly start to regain consciousness.

«Hello?! Wake up! Wake up! He’ll be back soon!»

You are lying on a stone cold floor with a pounding headache. Nothing seems familiar; you have no idea where you are. You’re not sure if you’re dreaming, until.. SLAP. An open hand alarm clock. Through your heavy eyelids, you see someone standing over you.

«We’ve been kidnapped! But don’t freak out, we think we’ve found a way to escape, so we need to be quick! The kidnapper will be back soon!»

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