Unlock Me: Scarecrow Valley

Von | August 26, 2022

von Unlock Me (webseite)

Ελευθερίας 171 Αραδίππου Λάρνακα CY 7102, Eleftherias, Larnaca


3-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, EL

60 minuten

You are a group of friends who organize a trip to the countryside. As you drive on a secluded road you are getting surrounded by thick fog, your driver loses control and crashes.

With no other choice, you get out of the car to check if you can repair the damage and continue your journey, but you realize that you are at the entrance of the village Scarecrow Valley.

The stories say that the villagers are very inhospitable and whoever visits the village never finds the way out. Next to the cemetery there is a hut where the groundskeeper of the cemetery lives, he is job is to get rid of the unwanted.

Will your names be written on the long list of the missing persons?

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