Lost.sg: Castiglione

Von | August 24, 2022

von Lost.sg (webseite)

1 Sophia Rd, #03-01/02/03 Peace Centre


Bis zu 12 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten


In the 1860s during the Second Opium War, the British and French Empires invaded China. In the midst of the war, all 12 of the zodiac head statues designed by Giuseppe Castiglione for QianLong Emperor miraculously disappeared from the Imperial Summer Palace. Rumours and news soon spread that the 12 statues were kept hidden in the hometown of the zodiac’s designer home. Take on the role of a secret agent and unravel the mysterious hidden castle belonging to Castiglione.

Your mission is to recover the 12 zodiac heads and escape from the Castle. But BEWARE, there might be guards on patrol.

Escape, survive & recover the 12 zodiac head sculptures.

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Castiglione is not a terrible game, but it is showing its age, and even if in mint condition would still have flaws. The name refers to Giuseppe Castiglione, an Italian sculptor who worked in the Imperial Chinese court in the 19th Century, making a set of 12 bronze heads for the Zodiac animals. These heads were lost in the Opium Wars, and it’s your task to recover them.

We were shown into the room after an intro video - also, bizarrely, after being scanned by a metal detector wand, perhaps to m...

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