PániQ-Szoba: In Time

Von | Juli 24, 2022

von PániQ-Szoba (webseite)

Budapest, Mária u. 19


2-7 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, HU

60 minuten

We're in the year 2335.

A scientist invented a time machine to change the horrific events happened in the past hoping to bring world peace. But accidentally he erased these moments from history, taking all the memories, hopes and desires from the people and causing the first wave of the apocalypse. The world we know seems to be gone. Your task is to travel back in time and prevent the happening of the catastrophe. Something went wrong and your time machine broke down. You are stuck between two timelines. Return to your present as soon as possible, or else you'll be lost in time and space forever.

This room is the same as our Time fighters room.
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