PániQ-Szoba Budapest: Nightmare

Von | Juli 24, 2022

von PániQ-Szoba Budapest (webseite)

Mária u. 29, 1085


2-4 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, HU

60 minuten

One day you go on a hike with your friends. You heard horror stories about an abandonned house on the north side of the mountains. Rumor has it, it's always night time on that part of the mountain and the house is cursed. You heard lots of rumors and they never turned out to be true, so you are not afraid. You enter the house. It's empty. You only find a hundred-year-old book, which only has this writing in it:

Afferare aglio e Aliola agrario!

As you read it out loud you fall asleep immediately. Or so you thought. You are trapped in the Shadow, a place where nightmares are born and disappear right away. You can't even tell reality and dreams apart. Your only chance to wake up is an old, familiar melody.

The room is in complete darkness, not a single lightsource is installed or permitted in the game area!!!
We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and shoes that aren't easily tarnished.

This room contains several similar elements as our Invisible forest room.
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