Escape Rooms Unlocked Punta Gorda: Journey Into The Jungle

Von | Juli 7, 2022

von Escape Rooms Unlocked Punta Gorda (webseite)

401 E Olympia Ave Unit 2, Punta Gorda, FL 33950

Punta Gorda

2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

The fate of the world rests in the most unlikely of hands – yours! Your friend and mentor has gone missing and his clues have led you to the location of his life’s work – the search for the famous treasure of Amazonian King Tikai. The king knew the treasure was too great for human hands and spread the keys to its hiding place throughout the jungle. You have just one hour to solve the clues left by your friend and recover the treasure before it falls into the wrong hands.
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