Paragon Escape Games: Requiem

Von | Dezember 12, 2021

von Paragon Escape Games (webseite)

7257 S Atwood #103, Mesa, AZ 85212


2-8 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

im bau

A soft melody plays. The windows of the Granville asylum were opaque with moonlight, turning a thin river of blood black as tar, trickling from under the door. It began to cut a path through oil and grit.

A dissonant echo travels through the halls— “Molly?” Dr. Jennings whispers in horror. Molly had suffered for years and was treated measureless times without any success, but maybe this unconventional experiment will work.

Molly’s narrow chest and legs twitch one last time. The grimace on her face smooths as Dr. Jenning’s daughter slips into bliss, caught between life and death. In this state, Dr. Jennings will be able to cling to the hope that he will be reunited with his precious little girl, now freed from her previous life’s struggles.

Dr. Jennings sits back and listens to the music as it resolves into the silent night, once again finding solitude in his daughter’s requiem. As the sweet serenade diminishes into the beckoning darkness, he ponders the issue of how to bring her back from her muted reality.

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