Mayto Kingdom: Tú También Soñarás

Von | Oktober 16, 2021

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von Mayto Kingdom (webseite)

Calle Barratxi 37A, Pabellón, 20, 01013 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: ES

Gewinner eines TERPECA-Awards 2021Nur ES
100-120 minuten

Una increíble atracción cinematográfica en forma de escape room con más de 300 m2 y 2 horas de duración, donde los escenarios, efectos, sonidos y sucesos harán el ambiente perfecto para vivir una experiencia de terror única que no podréis olvidar.

Los terribles sucesos que ocurrieron hace 27 años donde desaparecieron decenas de niños, se están volviendo a repetir en el condado de Derry.

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Bewertet zwischen 4.5 und 5 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 2 Benutzern

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I must admit, that when I saw the title “You Will Float Too” in our agenda, I got excited. Probably some fun room about flying or a swimming pool!
But apparently I was… Wrong. Very wrong.
It (Huh? You see what I did there?) seems that many people recognise that quote, and therefore are not surprised that we are paranormal investigators, who got to investigate a town in which children are disappearing, near the house of the well.
With You will float too, Mayto Kingdom has created a large, impressive world that is immersive and makes the hearts of IT fans beat faster. The high quality of the scenery, the appropriate use of sound and light, technical effects and complex puzzles create an overall package that convinced us. Overall, however, we missed a clear wow moment. Possibly this is due to the fact that we had to do without the main actor as Pennywise. Nevertheless, we recommend this room to all horror fans.

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