Xcape Room: Murder Scene 2.0

Von | Januar 6, 2021

von Xcape Room (webseite)

3475 W Shaw Ave #103, Fresno, CA 93711


Bis zu 6 Spieler

60 minuten

It has been 10 years since your team discovered the truth about Elizabeth Short and her psychotic games. The FBI has come to learn of a new psycho killer who also loves playing games. They believe they have stumbled upon a copycat. With a new investigation open, they have learned that Elizabeth Short owned another property 10 miles from the original murder of your fellow detective. Since your team was able to figure out Short’s last game, they have assigned your team to look into the newly discovered property. Your team walks in and finds a half burned birth certificate. The lights turn off unexpectedly, and you hear “the game has begun”.
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