Locked Adventures: Dystopia

Von | Dezember 31, 2020

von Locked Adventures (webseite)

844 W San Marcos Blvd #103, San Marcos, CA 92078

San Marcos

4-10 Spieler

60 minuten

The Zombie Apocalypse has finally happened! You've been able to survive in your small community so far.  It is your job to collect necessary supplies in order to survive. There is an abandoned compound not too far away that you need to search through for any supplies your community could use. Rumor has it that food and weapons have been spotted there, including the highly sought after twinkie.  However evidence of zombie walkers have been seen around this compound as well - caution must be used.

You and your team will split up to cover more ground, make sure you have something to carry any supplies you find back with you so they are not contaminated, don't lose anyone and don't get bit!

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In a zombie filled apocalypse scenario, only one food item remains… the Twinkie.

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