Overdose: The Existence

Von | Oktober 18, 2020

von Overdose (webseite)

Λ. Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου 48 Ηλιούπολη 16344


3-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, EL

90 minuten
A dark house full of secrets and unexplained phenomena is for sale. Rumor has it that the owner used the house to keep the dead and performed necromancer ceremonies. His son, having a hidden charisma, was the connecting link. Souls to calm down. A veil of mystery still covers this house. Are you still sure about your visit and purchase or did you change your mind?
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It’s about a mysterious house that is for sale, around which some dark rumours have been spreading. Rumour has it that the owner has kept dead people there and that certain incantation ceremonies were performed. But we do not believe this humbug, and so the three of us, as prospective buyers, stand in front of the massive entrance door to take a closer look at the building.

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