Got A Quest: Cryptic Robbers

Von | Mai 6, 2020

von Got A Quest (webseite)

2-6 Spieler

£8.00 $10.00

für kinder
This quest is truly a team experience with an exciting storyline, awesome puzzles and challenges, cool reveals and much more!
The players will receive different sets of clues and will work in a team to combine their clues, figure out all the cryptic notes and symbols left around town to catch the robbers and return the diamond back!
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Got a Quest designed this game to be like a storybook. As we solved each puzzle, we felt like we were following the robbers next move by flipping to the next page. The graphics were really cute and quirky. Kids will have a blast using their brain powers to solve this mystery. To make it more fun, you should definitely make this into a family challenge night. Think you're smarter than a fifth grader?

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