Locked In Games: Night Before Christmas

Von | März 20, 2019

von Locked In Games Leeds (webseite)

2 Chapeltown Road, LS7 3AP


3-6 Spieler

60 minuten

It was a bright, frosty evening. The grass glistened like a carpet of crushed diamonds from the light of the moon. It felt like something was watching me. As I drew closer, I spotted an elf crying behind some bushes. When I approached him, he disappeared in a flash taking me with him. I am where? No! This can't be! Santa's house? I peeped through the curtains. The lights started to flicker, first blue, then white. To my right, there were fresh footprints in the snow. Santa must be getting the reindeer ready, I thought. I pushed the creaky old door. What a sight met my eyes. I looked around the room and saw the mischievous elves mixing up the naughty and nice list. I have one mammoth job to do. It is the night before Christmas, can you help me move the children from the naughty list to the nice list before Santa returns home?
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