The Real Escape: Mission 15

Von | März 20, 2019

von The Real Escape (webseite)

257-259 Commercial Road, PO1 4BP

023 9235 1890


2-3 Spieler

15 minuten
Our squad had to make an emergency escape because the enemy’s demolition team is incoming. There are only 15 minutes before they destroy this place – so you will need to work quickly.
This is a matter of national security, so listen carefully. The lives of all our agents depend on you.
Before my exit, I saved all mission-critical data on a floppy disc.
In front of you, there are several reinforced storage boxes. Inside the last box, there are magnets on an unstable stand. The disc you need is under the stand.
There is a failsafe. If the disc comes into direct contact with a magnet, all the data on it will be wiped and the mission will be a failure.
Your mission is to retrieve the disc. Make sure you touch the boxes very carefully, without moving them or tilting them.
Remember, you only have 15 minutes to retrieve the disc before the enemy gets here.
You have one chance. Don’t waste it. Good luck, Squad 15.
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