Enter The Exit: The Pharaoh and the Nail Scepter

Enter The Exit: El Faraón y el Cetro de Uas

Von | Dezember 14, 2023

von Enter The Exit (webseite)

French 2981, C1425 CABA

Buenos Aires

2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN, ES

60 minuten

They are about to enter the mysterious pyramid of the powerful Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose I. The first and last to try to do so were, more than 30 years ago, the famous Egyptologist Sir Arthur Van Klonemberg and his collaborators. Van Klonemberg was after the Nail Scepter, a weapon believed to give its wielder the power to dominate the world. After they entered, no one ever saw them again. It is not known if they disappeared, died or if they are still trapped inside since no trace of them has been found. 
You have been hired, in exchange for a small fortune, by Van Klonemberg's daughter to enter the pyramid, find out what happened to her father, find the Nail Scepter, and leave the dark pyramid alive.
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