Mobile Escapes: The Cyber Drop

By | Juni 29, 2021

von Mobile Escapes (webseite)

2-5 Spieler

£9.00pp CA$14.99pp

Sprachen: EN, FR


This espionage-themed escape room will test your team's skills as intelligence officers. Great spies are also expert escape room solvers. Complete all the modules to be admitted to the SSS Academy.

The setting is inside a timeworn classroom where missions are simulated. You must carefully explore the room and interact with audiovisual elements to prove yourself as an expert puzzle solver. Play as the good guys and escape virtually with your team!

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Our favorite of the two was The Cyber Drop as it stuck to the storyline and utilized puzzles that made sense in what agents would do in real life situations. Mobile Escapes audience is definitely geared towards corporate bookings and beginners. Although we had fun in both games, it felt too easy and short for us to justify the cost especially being that it's per person. As enthusiasts, we would love to see the platform being utilized in a longer game with harder puzzles in the future!

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