Queen City Escape: An Office Esc Room Misadventure

By | April 13, 2021

von Queen City Escape (webseite)

3831 South Park Avenue, Blasdell, NY 14219


1-4 Spieler

£8.00 $9.99

60-90 minuten
You’re the new Temp at an office, and what a first day! The office supplies have gone missing. One of your co-workers has locked everyone in their offices. He thinks everyone is a suspect. It’s up to you to work together with your new co-workers to solve puzzles and get to the bottom of this alleged mystery.
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The puzzles in this game were a lot fun to solve and the comedic narrative was so cleverly implemented and had me laughing the whole time! Although "An Office ESC ROOM Misadventure" was more on the easier side, there was plenty of puzzles to keep you occupied and satisfied! For the price, it's definitely worth the value especially when you can enjoy this with a group of friends. The pixelated 8-bit style was a great decision and definitely a unique attempt to deliver a classic escape room adventure. Whether you're a fan of "The Office" or not, the script was extremely entertaining and complemented the storyline and gameplay! But if you're a fan of "The Office", you'll probably appreciated even more because of all the Easter Eggs. Perhaps you may even want to organize a game for your own office?

An Office ESC Room Misadventure (herein known as Office ESC Room to save on typing, haha!) was SO MUCH FUN! A really, super light hearted story with puzzles ranging from the “I solved it before the video was finished” all the way to the other end of the scale with “How do I solve this?!”. I also think it would absolutely delight fans of a particular US TV show… *cough cough The Office cough*

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