Escape Notice Games: Stolen At Sea

By | Dezember 19, 2020

von Escape Notice Games (webseite)

2-6 Spieler

£59.00 $75.00

📦escape book

Travel back in time to 1923 as passengers aboard the RMS Aquitania. Sift through maps, old books and photographs to rescue a priceless jewel of antiquity in this challenging, high stakes puzzle quest.

This is a 60-minute escape room game in a box to play at home. Race to solve an exciting interactive mystery by finding hidden clues and completing intriguing puzzles. Locked document bags are hidden “doors” that move you through the game.

The game works best with 2 to 6 players ages 14 and older. No internet is required. It can be played again so pack it up and pass it on. The clock starts now!

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Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

The puzzles were on the easy side for enthusiasts. The attention to detail on the props were nicely done. Sometimes we felt like it's a bit "wasteful" to use some of the props on just one puzzle but we appreciate the creators wanting to make the storytelling as real as possible. If your not familiar with basic ciphers, decoding, "search and find", simple Math type of puzzles, then this game is a great place to start!

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