Clue Chase: The Scarab’s Curse

By | Dezember 8, 2020

von Clue Chase (webseite)

1114 6th Ave, New York, NY 10036

Bis zu 6 Spieler

£12.00 $15.90


Hollywood, 1939 – While filming her latest Hollywood film, The Scarab’s Curse, renowned actress Veronica St. Claire was brutally murdered. In order to prevent mass hysteria and the chance of the film being shut down, the producers have locked down the studio and are calling in private investigators to solve the case.

We are sending you to take the place of the actual PIs and find the murderer. The killer could very well be someone we’ve been searching for for some time.

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Bewertet zwischen 2 und 3 von 5

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Deine Bewertung


EireBanshee experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 25 and 25 out of 5
Gespielt am: 13 Mar 2022 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 1:15 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
unlogischkaputte technik

Some of the puzzles in this game were nicely challenging, multi-layered puzzles that we found really satisfying.  There was a nice variety of puzzle types.

Unfortunately, there were some flaws, and one of them was quite substantial.  One puzzle requires that you call a U.S. phone number.   So firstly this is not a nice option for international players.  Secondly, the phone number was NO LONGER IN SERVICE!  We both tried ringing it, but it was no longer connected.  So we were not able to get the info needed to solve the puzzle and we had to wait through the time-released hint system to get the full answer in order to move on.  Super disappointing!

In the hieroglyph puzzle, we understood what we were supposed to be doing and we solve it, but our answer was not accepted (you type the answers into a code box).  We had solved 3 out of the 4 numbers correctly, but we just cannot see how the second number can possibly be what they say it is.  After re-checking our work for the second number several times, we had to eventually capitulate and type in the answer from the hint system in order to move on.  We would really love to have an explanation for that one, because I think it might be an error.

Overall we enjoyed most of the puzzles, but the two flaws were pretty big ones that I hope will be corrected for future players.

Ajax hat dies bewertet:Rated between 40 and 40 out of 5

I played at clue chase's new york location, and thought their escape rooms were pretty good. So I figured I'd give this a shot, and I was pleasantly surprised. It isn't too difficult, but it still kept me and my partner occupied for a little over an hour. It's a linear game and each puzzle plays out like a vignette inside a bigger story, it's clear these guys aren't video game developers, but this was still a lot of fun, and easily worth the $20. If they keep the puzzle quality at this level I'd play more of these. 

Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

The concept behind the game really reminded me of "Clue". As we found various pieces of evidences on the movie set and different statements from the cast members, we're able to eventually found out who was the culprit that killed Veronica St. Clair. Our recommended team size for this game is 2-4 people but you can easily play this game on your own. Good luck detective!

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