Escape Coalville: Blackbeard’s Last Battle

By | Dezember 4, 2020

von Escape Coalville (webseite)


2-6 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

kein fester Standort

You are a member of a revered band of Pirates aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge. The captain of the ship is the infamous Blackbeard. For many years you have sailed the high seas pillaging and plundering without capture. Your adventure hasn’t come without its dangers. At every turn, the British Navy have sought to thwart the efforts of you and your crew but to no avail, until now!

The British Navy have caught up with Blackbeard and his crew. Spotted in the distance, Blackbeard has ordered every man on board to prepare for what he believes to be his last battle. You, on the other hand, have a different plan. If you can break into Blackbeard’s chest and steal the treasure before the Navy arrives, you could flee the ship and live a life of luxury. The Navy will arrive in 60 minutes, can you collect the treasure and escape before then?

It's important to note that, in this game, we do not lock you in the room. You are able to leave at any point you may need to.

Blackbeard's Last Battle is available as a mobile game. This means it take place in an indoor space at our venue but is contained within a themed box. If played at our venue, we have a specific room to play it in. 

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