Game In Reality: Game In Reality

By | Juni 19, 2020

von Game In Reality (webseite)

1-4 Spieler

£8.00 $9.99

You will turn into Secret Service agents who will search, obtain evidence and convict suspects of various crimes. Your task will be to convict the senator (and not only her) of murder, illegal arms trafficking and other crimes. Secret Agent Tommy Hawkins, who is hiding in a secret place, will guide you through the game.
You can be anywhere while playing this game. At home, at the cottage, even on the beach! This is not an ordinary online game, but a game that will permeate reality. You will not just control the characters of the agents, but you will become those agents yourself! So, agents? Are you ready to take justice into your own hands? This game will entertain everyone in your house!
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