MindOpus: Summoning Bloody Mary

By | Mai 12, 2020

von MindOpus (webseite)

Bis zu 6 Spieler

£9.00 CA$16.10

Sprachen: EN, FR

nicht im angebot
90 minuten
Juliette Lacroix, renowned monster hunter, has shortlisted you for a post in a brand new supernatural threat extermination team! Apparently, you already have your first mission... Carefree youngsters tried their hand at summoning Bloody Mary, but things went south. When the entity appeared, one of the boys' eyes met theirs and was taken into her reflective abode. The remaining youngsters urgently asked for your help to your team in order to save their friend from the grip of Bloody Mary. However, the missing boy was the one to know the secret to summoning her and the file containing the information is on his password-protected laptop. You must find that password as fast as possible to reenact the ritual and rescue Bloody Mary's latest victim...
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