Expedition Escape: Bank Heist

By | April 22, 2020

von Expedition Escape (webseite)

601 South Henderson Road, PA 19406

1-4 Spieler

£4.00 $5.00

20-60 minuten
You are a member of America’s most successful crime syndicate. Your specialty has always been lock picking, ever since, as a child, you learned how to crack the safe at your elementary school... and supermarket... and church. Today, you’ll be facing your greatest challenge yet, as you and your team attempt a heist at the Valley Isle Bank.
Your recon team has just completed phase one of the heist – they have ensured the building is empty and gained access to the bank manager’s office, where the door to the vault awaits. They have discreetly hidden clues, tools and hints around the office which you will need to complete your job as safe cracker.
Recon also reports that they have suspended the security system for 20 minutes. After that amount of time, the alarm will be activated, and you will need to escape before law enforcement arrives. Do you have what it takes to rob this bank?
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Bewertet mit 2.5 von 5

basierend auf Bewertungen von 2 Benutzern
kombiniert mit Bewertungen von 1 Benutzer

Deine Bewertung


Martin W Payne hat dies bewertet:
Ergebnis: Gescheitert 🙁

Could not play this one.  It's listed as free, but the website advises there is a charge - but, more importantly, the following message is displayed on the website:
*Please note that you must be within 150 miles of our location to be able to play our online games.*
We worked with a writer to get these online games out quickly within our community while we were shut down due to COVID-19.
However, he has a territory restriction on the content of the games and therefore we can only allowed those within that territory to play.
Thank you for your understanding. Stay healthy and stay safe during this challenging time!

Anonym hat dies bewertet:Rated between 40 and 40 out of 5

Bewertungen von Escape Room-Bewertungsseiten

This too gives you a sequence of puzzles, each with a couple of 'items' to look at (click on the item picture to get a full size / in-focus version) and a visual image of a lock, as a prompt for the solution format.

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