Shepton Mallet Prison: The Hole

By | März 20, 2019

von Shepton Mallet Prison (webseite)

Frithfield Lane, BA4 5LU

Shepton Mallet

2-5 Spieler

Sprachen: EN

60 minuten

nur ausgewählte termine
5 copies

The Hole is a fully immersive state-of-the-art escape room experience. An adrenaline filled puzzle-based game set in a dark prison cell, known as The Hole, with your own Prison Officer. It’s guaranteed to test your wits, as you try to escape The Hole and make your way to freedom.

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Bewertet zwischen 2.5 und 4 von 5 (geschätzt, basierend auf Bewertungen für andere Versionen dieses Spiels)

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2 Bodies 8 Minds hat dies bewertet:Rated between 40 and 40 out of 5
Gespielt am: 6 Apr 2024 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 47 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
preis-leistungs-verhältnisraffiniertziemlich schwierig😨gruselig
Very cheap room and actually very good puzzles, certainly gets the brain working and definitely not something to be overlooked. It seems very simple but we had a great time and throughly enjoyed working the puzzles out together in the dark. Definitely worth a visit especially if you're already going to see the prison 
sarahhandrews hat dies bewertet:Rated between 40 and 40 out of 5

Great puzzle in the dark (until we found the torch) and included in the price was a look round the rest of the prison afterwards

Jemileh erfahren hat dies bewertet:Rated between 35 and 35 out of 5
Gespielt am: 1 Jul 2023 Teamgröße: 2 Benötigte Zeit: 45 Ergebnis: Entkommen!
Anonymous hat dies bewertet:Rated between 10 and 10 out of 5
🔐James Bloodworth experte hat dies bewertet:Rated between 35 and 35 out of 5
Gespielt am: 29/08/2021 Teamgröße: 3 Ergebnis: Gescheitert 🙁
tolles hosting
As I've said before I do love a bit of theatre prior to getting into a room and this does deliver with your Jailer (we had Officer Jess Taylor) staying in character throughout.  As described, you start the game in the actual cell hooded and handcuffed but you end up playing in near total darkness with only one torch.  The puzzles are mostly straightforward but it's the darkness that is the problem and we misread something that would prove to be our downfall even though we had the right answer on the very final puzzle.  The Prison itself is worth a visit and we did then have a walk around (you get the option of a self guided tour included with the Escape Room) and there is a novelty value in escaping from a genuine prison cell but I wouldn't go just for the Escape Rooms/

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